as the title says, after a few days of technical difficulty my MacNine is operational again. i wish i could say that i think it is going to remain that way indefinitely, but honestly the problem seems to be with a spotty hard drive and therefore is going to be hit or miss until i return and get it replaced....that said, it is a hit now, so i will stop wasting time and get on with it...
(for those of you that have been following my progress on facebook some of this may be redundant, but i am sure you can deal with it)
my plane arrived on wednesday around 10 am. by the time i made it to baggage claim (i think we walked a mile from the plane!), collected my bag, and stood in queue to exchange enough currency for the train ride into town (i was waiting to exchange the rest that i brought as i heard that the rates would be much better away from the airport) it was nearly 11am. i did make it to the metro alright and i was off to downtown Madrid. the train was full of interesting people, especially as we progressed farther from the airport and more locals boarded. i think the highlight of it for me was the two young college age kids that played guitar and sang and then went around collecting donations (i wanted to give them something but the smallest i had was €10 and i was pretty sure that was not in my budget :-)

i made the two transfers that were needed to get to my destination and emerged from the metro in Puerta del Sol. it was simultaneously beautiful and overwhelming. there were so many people! that combined with the massive amount of construction underway (mostly to bolster the city's push for the 2016 olympic games) had me struggling to get around, especially dragging my suitcase behind me (note: Kelly- we definitely overpacked me!) anyway, i need to speed this up so, got to the hotel. it is nice, the room is small but it has all been rehabbed and there is free wifi - which is not common here among the cheaper places. actually in talking to some people i met, this is a good place to stay AND i got a good deal on it (thanks Expedia!) i did not do a lot the rest of the day. actually by the time the hotel had my room ready (i had to wait in the lobby for 20 min) i got up to my room and really wanted to shower and change clothes (i had been wearing the same thing since st. louis) - well i managed half of that. i got the shower in, and sat down on the bed to watch the US Open highlights and next thing i knew it was almost 10! clearly i was tired, but not having slept for the two nights leading up to the trip i should have expected it i guess. i got up and after getting my bearings, got dressed and went out. luckily, around here things are just getting started at that time. i walked around for quite a while just taking everything in, and eventually decided on a small cafe for dinner. they did not speak english (one of the reasons i chose it) but i managed ok and had a chorizo sandwich, coke, cerveza and a slice of a type of ham that they keep on the counter. the woman i sat next to on the flight told me about that and said that i needed to have some (and not to worry that it is not kept cool). she was right, it was very good. i stayed until they were ready to close, just taking in all the personalities and watching the interaction of the older man behind the counter (apparently the owner) and the customers of varying ages and levels of sobriety. i found it interesting that regardless of how obnoxious someone was, he still met them with a smile - even when they knocked some of his stuff over or spilled drinks...
at that point it was nearing 3am, so i headed back to Hostal Persal, went to my room, watched some of the Federer match (live) on tv and went to sleep....
wow. that was long. sorry everybody. i hope that was not too tedious to read, but i think i was just trying to use it as a memory refresher, in case i start to forget things. anyway, i am going to head out now. hopefully my "trusty" MacNine will boot when i next attempt it, and i will be able to update again. as a preview, thursday i spent pretty much the entire day at the Prado - and i will not be able to do that place justice in words, so that update should be pretty short, in fact i might even be able to fill out yesterday's 9+ hours worth of walking around the city too (lost of pictures).
as for now, i am off to explore and come up with something to write about for today!
buenas tardes!